This section will help you figure out how to effectively communicate with the visitors of the Skrepka Expo Online
Working with exhibition visitors
In order to start working with exhibition visitors, go to the Exhibition Visitors section (arrow 1.).
The section will present a list of all authorized visitors to the exhibition.
You can sort visitors by parameters: country, name / company name, position, new user status
(arrow 2.).
In order to get acquainted with the profile of the exhibition visitor - click on the image of a particular visitor and go to his profile (arrow 3.).
Visitor profile
A visitor's profile contains his contact information (arrow 1.), information for visitors viewing his profile (arrow 2.), buttons for making appointments ("Meet"), sending messages ("Message") and adding his profile to the section " Favorites"
(arrow 3.).
When you click on the "Star" icon on the icon of each participant - the profile will go to the "Favorites" section
Inviting exhibition visitors
You can invite your partners, clients, colleagues to your exhibition stand.
-In order to send a letter to your partners and clients with an invitation to visit you at the exhibition, go to the "Invite visitors" section in the left side menu of your profile (arrow 1.).
-Click on the button "Create new email" (arrow 2.).
-In the table (arrow 3.) indicate the name, surname, e-mail of the recipient of the letter. Or fill in this data by uploading a document in .xls format (button "Attach XLS / XLSX" ___) according to the Template (first download the template and enter the data there).
-Click on the "Submit" button. Letters sent to addressees
How to hold meetings at the exhibition?
Book an appointment
In order to meet the Exhibitor in the virtual room - press the "Meet" button (arrow 1.)

With whom the meeting
In the window that opens, enter the data to APPOINTME AN MEETING (arrow 2.)
- "You are requesting a meeting with:" - from the drop-down window select the employee of the company of the second party (you can select all employees).
- "Who will participate in the meeting:" - from the drop-down window select the employee who will participate in the meeting from the side of your company.
- "Add more delegates" - if you need to add a third party to the meeting, add
e-mail of this exhibitor.
- "Subject" - enter the subject of the meeting.
- "Message" - enter the text of the message that will be read by the company with which you are making an appointment.
- "Location" - select "online meeting" from the drop-down menu.
- "Add products (optional)" - if necessary, select the products of the exhibitor, which will be discussed at the meeting (when you click on the icons, they will be highlighted in a frame)
- "Duration of the requested meeting" - select the duration of the meeting from the drop-down menu (15,30,45 or 60 minutes). After selecting the interval, a calendar will appear for making an appointment
Date and calendar
Choose the date of the meeting: October 27,28 or October 29 (arrow 1.). In the drop-down window, select the free time for booking: first click on TIME, for example, 13.00, (arrow 2.). This time will turn blue, and then click on the green button "Book time" (arrow 3.). To cancel the time (before clicking the "Book" button) - click on the time again and it will become inactive for booking. To cancel an appointment - cancel it in your Schedule. Click on the "Cancel appointment" button, in the drop-down window enter a message (reason for cancellation) and click the "Send" button.
- After you have booked the time - you are automatically switched to the calendar of events.
ATTENTION: The meeting time is automatically synchronized to the time zone of the meeting participants!

Section "My Schedule": All meetings, All sessions, My schedule
Working with the section "All meetings"

This block reflects all meetings that have been appointed by your Company or assigned to your company.
Confirmed meeting - the meeting has been confirmed by both parties and will take place at the appointed time. You can reschedule the meeting (change the date, time, subject) by clicking the "Reschedule" button (arrow 1.) and make the changes. The meeting will go to the other side for confirmation and become Pending.
Incoming meeting is a meeting that has been assigned to you and is waiting for your confirmation. To confirm or cancel, click "Confirm" or "Cancel appointment" (arrow 1.).
Canceled appointment - appointments that you or the other party have canceled.
Pending - appointments pending by the other party (not yet confirmed or canceled).
Meetings can be confirmed, incoming, canceled, pending (arrow 2.).
Desired session
After selecting the required session, press the "+ My Schedule" button (arrow 1.). After that, this session will be displayed in the "My Schedule" section.
Meetings can be filtered by date, status, employee of your company who participates in the event (arrow 3). In order to print / save all information on appointments, click on the "Export data" button (arrow 4.). The appointment information will open in a separate document that you can save or print.
My schedule
This block reflects all the meetings to which the Company has joined.
To view all the events in which an employee of the company will participate, select an employee from the drop-down list by clicking on the "Team Schedule" section of the left side panel.
All events can be sorted by date, type of event, employee (arrow 2.).
You can also manage these events from this section (reschedule, cancel).
To enter a meeting in a virtual room, press the "Enter" button at the designated time (the video room will become active 10 minutes before the event).
* to enter the demo version of the meeting, check the equipment connection, examine the parameters of the video room - click on the button "Enter (Demo)" (arrow 3.).
In order to print / save all information on the company's schedule, click on the "Export data" button (arrow 1.). The appointment information will open in a separate document that you can save or print

Holding a meeting
Take part in the meeting
In order to take part in the meeting, you must click on the "Enter" button
(arrow 1.).
* to change the details of the meeting - click the "Reschedule" button
(arrow 2.)
* to enter the demo version of the meeting, check the equipment connection, examine the parameters of the video room - click on the button "Enter (Demo)" (arrow 3.).

After clicking the "Enter" button in a new window that opens, click the "Go to HTTPS page" button (arrow 4.)
Then, in the "Join meeting" window that opens, click the "Continue" button.
Checking devices
In the newly opened window, the platform system check for the presence of all necessary devices (arrow 6.). If any device on your computer (phone) is not connected - there will be an empty field opposite the corresponding device - in this case, you need to connect the device and re-perform the steps to join the meeting. Click on the "Join" button (if the "Join" button is not active, check the connection of all necessary devices).
No meeting attendees
If, after clicking the "Join" button, you are taken to a page with the phrase "No one has a camera or broadcast on" - this means that no one has joined the meeting yet

Video room of your meeting

Editing the profile of a company representative

Video room settings for your meeting

"General settings" (button 1): by changing the position of the toggle switch allows you to configure:
- room name visibility
- visibility of representatives' logos
- pop-ups visibility
- visibility of usernames
- company visibility
- job visibility
- type of video room (2 options, selected by clicking on the image of the required type)
Meeting Participants (Button 2): Shows all meeting participants
"Show chat" (button 3.): allows you to enter and send your message to all meeting participants, as well as view all sent messages in the general chat
"Raise your hand" (button 4.): when you press the "raise your hand" button, you declare to all the meeting participants that you have a question and return to your question during the discussion. The raised hand is displayed below the Meeting attendees button
Show Products (Button 5): allows you to show / view the products attached when creating an appointment. In order to show the products, click on the product itself and the product will be displayed on the screen
"Sound", "Camera", "Microphone" (button 6.): in order to turn on the sound, camera, microphone from your devices, press the buttons of the same name in turn (in the active state, the buttons will turn green). In order for you to be heard and seen during the discussion, you must activate the "microphone" and "camera" buttons when discussing issues "Show screen" (button 7) allows you to show your materials (presentations, videos, pictures, files in any format) to all meeting participants.
When you click on the "Show screen" button, a window for choosing a way to view the material "Open access to the screen" opens.
- If you open access to the screen using the "Full Screen" method, then you can show all the materials that are open on your computer / phone, including the desktop itself (for example, open documents, open url pages, youtube videos, images from the desktop)
"Leave meeting" (button 8)

You are ready to go to the exhibition!
You have studied the online communications section
Check out the matchmaking section at the exhibition